Monday, November 1, 2010

Quick Hits: Did I Miss a Day?!

Feels like a Tuesday today with all of the news floating around the interwebs. Let's shake off that candy hangover and get down to business.

BrickArms launched their October 2010 release at the 11th hour last night. Lots of cool new products and even a custom minifig design. The launch includes the following:
  • Brodie Helmet
  • Modern Combat Helmet
  • Shaun UK Zombie Fighter with custom printed torso
  • Spy Pack with Exclusive Limited Edition Golden Gun
  • Zombie Defense Pack 2010.1
  • World at War Chrome Pack 
  • Modern Chrome Pack 2.0
  • Scifi Chrome Pack 2.0 
  • Blade Chrome Pack 2.0 
Even I haven't had time to peruse all the fun so head on over to the BrickArms store and check it out.

Tiny Tactical will be restocking their shelves today at around 5 pm PST (they are located in British Columbia, Canada). On tap for returns are the TT-RPzB54 Panzerschrecks, Guns (KSV, SBR-M4, G18), tactical vests, TL-122 flashlights and Handie-Talkies, Minifig watches in (Gold, Stainless, Black, OD Green, yellow, red, blue, dark grey, dark tan), M9A1 Rifle Grenades and Crickets. Good thing too as I'm re-releasing the Panzerschreck review on Eurobricks today and have a new review ready to launch.

We should expect some new news from Amazing Armory Ltd. and BrickTW very soon. I noticed this morning that the Amazing Armory site still shows the countdown clock, and no word yet from BrickTW. I'll let you know if I hear more from either vendor.

More as it becomes available...

Minister of Information
Ugly Duck Command Center
Minifig Nation