Friday, November 12, 2010

More 2011 Box Pics on Brickset

If you look in the comments section of this post on Brickset, one of the members has posted several additional 2011 LEGO box art designs from various themes including Atlantis, Pharaoh's Quest, and NinjaGo

If you ruin your eyes and try to look at the details you might see some interesting things, namely a gold Spartan helmet (yes that Spartan helmet), a minifig sarcophagus element with lid, an interesting green sea-fig creature, 'Crabman', a chain and scythe weapon, and much more. Again, these pics look official, but you just never know until you have them in your hands. It would also appear that the Collectible Minifigure elements aren't as 'exclusive' as we once thought...

UPDATE: As Huw mentions below, he's updated Brickset with a lot more 2011 pics with more detail than just the boxes. Head on over and check them out. I've also 'favorited' (Is that a word?) many of the minifig-centric sets on Flickr too.

(Via Brickset)