Saturday, November 20, 2010

New BrickForge Weekly Contests

News from BrickForge about their upcoming weekly contests. This can be also be found on the BrickForge forum and at the Flickr group referenced below...

"The Forge is jam-packed with awesome accessories and the Angry Dwarfsmith is demanding we unload a few so he has room to work. Thus, the Inner Sanctum has decreed to offer a weekly prize to worthy Flickr photographers.

How to WinUpload your BrickForge-laden minifig or MOC to Flickr - then add it to the BrickForge Group Pool. At the end of each week, Chief Smithy: QuickBlade will choose the one he fancies the most and award the lucky artist an anti-climactic, but nevertheless, valuable prize.

What you WinIn the spirit of customization the Inner Sanctum has approved a $15.00 gift certificate allowing the winner to choose his/her own accessories as they see fit. The gift certificate will be awarded via e-mail.

Why you WinYour minifig or MOC must contain at least one unobstructed BrickForge product to qualify. Post as many photos of the same minifig/MOC as you want, but only one will qualify.

When you WinOne winner will be selected each Saturday. The winning entries will be recorded in the Group Pool Contest discussion topic. Be sure to keep an eye out for a Flickr message from Quickblade requesting a valid e-mail address. Please refrain from mailing us to ask if you won - you will be ignored.

This contest will take place on Flickr - not here."