Tuesday, November 9, 2010

New Tutorials via Classic Castle

I've been bitten by the high-adventure/fantasy bug recently (think Lord of the Rings or Dungeons & Dragons) and I've been searching far and wide for references, tutorials, and inspiration. It dawned on me after seeing a post at Eurobricks that ClassicCastle.com might be a good source for such information...and it is!

Although some of the tutorials have already been featured in our customization section, there are some great new items in there too like this custom armor tutorial from Lamanda2.

There are even some good construction tips and tricks to help design sets or brick-built beasts for your adventurers to battle.

I'll be adding these to the 'tutorials' section over the next few days, but if you want to get the jump on me you can head on over to Classic Castle right now.