Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Some Site Updates

I've been doing  some housecleaning here on the site. I've gone back and tried to correct and update the minifigure guide for LEGO Harry Potter. Some image and information fixes, as well as updating which figures will be in set 10217, Diagon Alley. As with any of the guide entries, if you notice an error, discrepancy, or out of date information, please just drop me a line and let me know. I'll fix any issues as soon as I can.

I have also moved the 'Retailer's Bazaar' section lower on the sidebar, as it had been starting to crowd out the main site information. The affiliate sites will continue to remain at the top of the sidebar. I have also added another banner to the bazaar, BrickTW, in advance of their new product launch later this week.

As you may have seen in the previous post, I've started to collect the product reviews for Tiny Tactical. The post entry below will be updated over time, but if you ever want to make a quick jump to it, go to the 'Product Review' tab at the top of the page. There you will find links to all of the product reviews we've conducted to date. We have one more TT review planned for the near future, then we will branch out to reviews of Arealight and Amazing Armory Ltd. product. If there are certain products you would like to see reviewed from any custom house, just let me know and I'll see what I can do.

Given that I'm moving and shifting items around, if you experience any issues while viewing the site, please just drop me a line.

That's all for now, citizens, more to come once it's available.

Minister of Information
Ugly Duck Command Center
Minifig Nation