Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Quick Hits: Odds and Ends

I have bits and pieces of news to share, so I thought I'd 'clear the board' and get them out...

Congratulations to Tervlon who won the October 'Elements of Great Building' contest on the BrickArms forums. His submission Harry & Ned captured the theme of 'ice' quite well, a solid build, and a great story to accompany it. If you would like to see more, check out Tervlon's Flickr stream. November's contest theme is 'sand', so get out those bricks, sign up for the BrickArms forum, and get designing today!

BrickForge has been posting pics of the new items that have been 'sneaking' onto the site over the past few days. One new item I neglected to mention was the 'double plume'...when the 'single plume' just won't do! Head on over to BrickForge to see the new pics today.

United Armory continues to put up new product from Amazing Armory Ltd. The Cyborg Armor set is a nice one to look for. If you are in the US or Canada you should check them out!

Consider the board 'clear', citizens. More as it happens...

Minister of Information
Ugly Duck Command Center
Minifig Nation