Wednesday, June 23, 2010

This Would've Never Happened in The Dragon Army

Yes, The Brother's Brick blogged this earlier, but you have to admit that it's good. Sometimes "simply stated" says it best...

Matthew Hurt's LEGO Kingdoms Pink Wash Vignette"William just joined the army and this is his first time away from home. He finds out the hard way that when you wash your uniform, you should use cold water."

If you are wondering how Matthew Hurt was able to turn the white panels pink, supposedly this is a result of a misprint by TLG. I couldn't find more details on the misprint. If someone knows more, let us know in the comments.

Speaking of LEGO Kingdoms I still have a few items left from the Dragon Army battle packs. Head to my BrickLink store to check them out.

(Via The Brothers Brick and Matthew J Hurt's Flickr stream)