Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Declare Your Independence: "Buy Custom"


The Fourth of July holiday is approaching here in the states. As we celebrate our freedoms, I encourage you to exercise your freedom to play 'outside the box' and visit any one of the following custom houses over the weekend. Check out their wares, and if the spirit moves you, buy some. A lot of what is represented here are the passions of individuals and their love for an androgynous, plastic humanoid that stands roughly 1.5 inches tall.

I will be celebrating this weekend by taking a well deserved break from blogging. I'll be back after the hiatus with the last two previews from Series 2 Collectible Minifigures as well as some great customs.

Enjoy your freedoms where ever you may be, citizens of Minifig Nation, and remember, "Buy Custom" this holiday weekend.

Minister of Information, Minifig Nation

Please visit the following custom houses this weekend:
NOTE: Apologies to those I may have forgotten. Please add your favorites in the comments section.