Friday, June 18, 2010

Brickmania WWII Battle Sets

Brickmania US Marines Set 236Dan Siskind of Brickmania has brought two new custom sets to Brickworld Chicago. The first is a US Marines Minifigure set featuring four minifig marines in the classic (read yellow) style. There are two brick built guns including a .30 caliber gun on a tripod. The set features BrickArms weapons and Fine Clonier decals. The set is exclusive to Brickworld for now but Dan states it will be up at the Brickmania site for $75 plus postage.

The second set is that of a WW II era Japanese Garrison. Also with four minifigures and two guns, the set shows off how good design and great custom parts can come together. The Garrison set also will retail for $75 plus postage.

(Via Brickmania Flickr stream)