Thursday, June 24, 2010

JasBrick's Hand Painted Goodness

JasBrick's World War Z Zombie HuntersJasBrick is back with some great hand painted minifigures.

First up are these two zombie hunters. The hand painted t-shirts are what really make these two. The gent on the left features Danger Mouse against the Union Jack. The one-eyed feller on the right is sporting a Kermit tee where the frog is packin' heat.

Also check out the beret with the painted eagle insignia. Remember we are talking about minifigure scale here!

JasBrick's Custom Killzone TroopersHis second set features some great Killzone troops. Jas has a knack for taking great custom parts from Hazel and co. and plussing them with the paint. Might Jas be entering these into the Custom Killzone Minifigure Contest?

(Via JasBrick's Flickr stream)