Saturday, March 5, 2011

Tracking LEGO Series 4 Collectible Minifigure Rollout

It's that time again. As we approach April, the promise of the LEGO Collectible Minifigures Series 4 hitting shelves somewhere in the world is becoming a reality. Just as I did with the Series 3 Rollout, I've created a map on Google to allow the community to track locations. Last time it was a Fred Meyer in Seattle, WA where the first Series 3 figures debuted. This time...who knows. We've had launches happen in Europe before US and vice versa.

You should be able to click through to the main map (HERE) and add pins yourself, so if you know of a location please insert a pin at that location. Anyone who has the URL should be able to add pins, please let me know if this isn't the case. In addition to placing a pin, please let us know the store name, location, location you found them in the store, price, and any other pertinent information. You can check out the Series 3 Rollout Map if you need an example of what we are looking for.

To place a pin, go to the map URL. Then type in the location in the search bar to find your store. You will need to make certain the rollout map is checked in the bottom left-hand side of the screen, and choose to edit the map. Click on the placemark button located at the top left-hand side of the map (it looks like a blue circle with a point at the bottom) and put the placemark on the location. You can add a title and description along with the information we've outlined above. You can also change the placemark graphic by clicking the icon and choosing a new graphic from the list. I only ask that we use the red pins for the sake of consistency.

Our international friends are more than welcome to contribute - this is not a North America only map.

I thought this worked well last time. Hopefully, people can use this to better track down where these will be in the early days.

Minister of Information
Ugly Duck Command Center
Minifig Nation