Friday, March 11, 2011

New News from TwoMorrows Publishing

Joe Meno 'tweets' that BrickJournal #14 has gone to the printers to ship on March 23rd. The fourteen issue stands out for several reasons...

First the man behind the Jason Burnett (AKA JasBrick) has scored an interview with Matthew Ashton of The LEGO Group about minifigure designs on several play themes, including the Collectible Minifigures line! An excerpt of the interview can be found on pages 19 and 20 of this pdf preview. You'll have to pick up Brick Journal 14 for the full scoop (you can order a digital copy too).

Not only does the latest issue have Jas' interview, it also contains several feature articles on 'brick animation' and a Minifig Customization 101 article from Jared Burks on 'purist customization'.

Speaking of Jared, his new book 'Minifigure Customization: Populate Your World!' goes on sale April 27th!

You can see it all at the TwoMorrows website.