Monday, March 21, 2011

Let the Series 4 Photos Begin!

One of the things I always look forward to when a new Collectible Minifig series or play theme launches, is how the various LEGO photographers will use them in new compositions. Chris McVeigh (powerpig) gives us this outbreak of the solanum virus in what appears to be Wall Street (why else would all those zombies be in identical suits?)

If the radiation symbol was a 'biological hazard' icon this shot would be perfect!

I think it's safe to say that The Hazmat Guy will be appearing in many more shots in the coming weeks. I'm hoping to also see some creative use of the 'B-team' of collectible minifigures. There's one custom minifig I'm really holding out hope for. I've even decided on a title for the post when I see it. I'll give you a hint...'Happy Trees'.

You can see more of Chris' work on Flickr. As always, Chris also sells his work via RedBubble.

UPDATE: Chris has posted a lighting 'how-to' on his Set-Ups page for this very shot. Very informative for those budding toy photographers!