Tuesday, March 15, 2011

March UD Minifig Design Brief - Oh My Goddess...

Three design battles have come to pass. The Emperor of Minifig Nation would like to know if you have the mettle for his next challenge...

The fourth minifig design battle has begun. The theme of this month’s challenge is...

“Oh My Goddess...”

The challenge is simple - you must depict a minifigure as a female diety with power beyond those of mortal...um...women. You may choose a goddess from an existing mythological pantheon such as Athena or Kali.

You may also ‘freestyle’ on this challenge. You can derive your own ‘goddess of war’ or ‘technology’ or ‘wisdom’; however, the figure you design and create must clearly emanate ‘godliness’ - no mortals need apply.

- You must depict the goddess as the main element of your design.
- This is a ‘goddess’ challenge so the minifigure must be a woman or female.
- You must state in the body of your entry who your character is supposed to represent (i.e. “Athena”) or what your ‘freestyle’ creation is the goddess of.
- The goddess should be a LEGO minifigure.

A couple of additional design ‘rules’ if you don’t want your entry disqualified...Although goddesses often don’t feel the need for clothing, yours should. The fact is we deal with a medium that is also a child’s toy so keep it clean. Also keep any depictions of gore or violence to a minimum - see the ‘Rules and Guidelines’ on the Flickr group page.

If you choose an existing female deity for your design, treat it with respect. We all have our own beliefs and this is a group of inclusion. Any entries that are blatantly putting down another religion through their design will be disqualified and their image removed from the pool. You will also be disqualified from further contests.

Other elements that will be looked upon favorably but are entirely optional include lighting, presentation, posing, and photography/digital effects. Do remember that the figures should be the primary focus of the composition and should not be overwhelmed by other design elements.

Although this is not a ‘customization-only’ contest, you may find many of the tutorials we’ve collected on the site to be helpful. There are also tutorials on photography, presentation, and digital effects.

Entries must be submitted to the UD Minifigure Design Battle Arena group on Flickr before 12:01 am EST April 16th, 2011. Entries submitted after this time will not be considered eligible. Remember to read the ‘Rules and Guidelines’ thread before submitting your entry.

This month’s winning prize is sponsored by FireStar Toys, where the victor will receive a gift card to FireStar worth £25 (approximately $40 USD**) which can be used on a wide variety of LEGO brand products, custom minifigures, or custom accessories from companies like BrickArms, Tiny Tactical, Si-Dan Toys, or Amazing Armory Ltd., to name a few. You can start planning on how to spend your winnings by visiting FireStar Toys today.

Questions about this contest or the rules should be submitted to Cygnet at uglyduck.bricklink@gmail.com.

To those who are about to design, we of the Minifig Nation salute you. Good luck!

*Please read the contest ‘Rules and Guidelines’ thread regarding views on depicting violence and other topics of a potentially serious nature.
**Exact value in US Dollars is dependent on the currency exchange rates at that time.