Saturday, August 28, 2010

Mooo-ve On Over to BrickForge for New Items

The march of new products out of BrickForge continues. The newest are a bit of a surprise as they are new prints for classic items.

First up is a new print for the cow with markings in a Ayrshire pattern. BrickForge cows are unique in that you can choose the gender of each with the addition of horns or udder accessories. The Forge has a wide selection of animals to choose from.

The second set of items are new scooters in tan, pink with flower print, and blue with flame prints. Had I known about the blue scooter I might have held off on my orders earlier in the week so I could pick one up.

More products are still expected to emerge from Armothe and Redbean's lair, who knows what we'll see next. Head on over to their store and check it out.

(Via BrickForge Flickr stream)