Thursday, August 12, 2010

Customs from Roaglaan and Catsy

 I've got two great customs from Roaglaan and Catsy.

First up is Roaglaan with this helmet combo that really works. The helmet? A BrickArms stahlhelm. The visor? A BrickForge gladiator mask. Roaglaan also claims no modding was necessary. The two work together as is! Plus dig the custom decal.

The second item is a custom plasma rifle from Fallout 3 by Catsy. The rifle is built off of a BrickArms Lewis Gun and further modded with scrap styrene, paper clips, guitar string, and brass wire. Catsy has also added some glow-in-the-dark highlights seen here under blacklight.

Well done gentlemen!

(Via Roaglann's and Catsy's Flickr streams)