Thursday, August 5, 2010

Geoshift's Rust Army

Geoshift's Rust Guardian MinifigureGeoshift has been experimenting with the latest trend in customs right now, metallic painting effects. Now before you get all, "Oooh, shiny!" on me, I'm talking about dry brushing and rust techniques to give the figure a heavier, stronger feel.

Geo is in good company with both JasBrick and YG-49 also playing in this field right now.

The fig pictured is one of several 'rust guardians' Geoshift has been producing. The painted touched are great with these part combinations, but what really gets me is the contrast of the face guard with the helm. It makes the face guard almost feel as if its made of chain mail.

I'm hoping these experiments continue, as they are producing some fantastic results.

(Picture via Geoshift's Flickr stream)