Thursday, August 26, 2010

Catsy's Pushing All The Right Buttons

Catsy's been rather busy, as of late. Yesterday he posted these fantastic pics of brick-built gun racks to showcase one of his BrickArms collections, and today he has a customized Akira laser cannon.

The Arasaka HLR-12X Heavy Laser used the new BrickArms heavy laser cannon as a base, but Brandon decided to 'tweak' it a bit. In his own words...

"I took a Brickarms Heavy Laser Cannon prototype (with Viewfinder), drilled out the barrel and filed down the front of the viewfinder in order to insert trans-clear and trans-blue styrene rods, respectively. The battery pack is scratchbuilt from styrene, a cotter pin, insulated wire and craft ribbon. Then painted. I treated the trans styrene and viewfinder display with Future after dullcoating the entire thing."

(Via Catsy's Flickr stream)