Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Tutorials on Mad Figs Blog

It's been a while since I posted any tutorials on customizing or modding minifigures. I found that JasBrick had started a blog, Mad Figs, while researching a project I'm working on.

There are only a few posts, ranging from tutorials to personals viewpoints on TLG sets. There are a handful of great tutorials that can be found here.

The first tutorial details how he used a 'non-metallic metal hybrid' painting technique to create the Gears of War minifigure shown here.

A second tutorial details several painting and modding tricks Jas used to create his signature Brickviet soldier. I was surprised by the number of parts that ultimately went into its creation.

He also has a couple of posts in December 2009 where he shows the tools of his trade.

There may not be a lot of materials on the blog, but what is there is pure, concentrated gold. Here's hoping there's more to come.

(Via Mad Figs)