Wednesday, July 21, 2010

New Silver and Gold Boba Fetts at Comic Con

Joe Meno of BrickJournal has been posting photos from the San Diego Comic Con. Although a little blurry, he shows us this...

LEGO Star Wars White Gold Silver Boba Fetts San Diego Comic ConIt would appear that there is a third and fourth promotional Boba Fett figure in sterling silver and 14k gold. This package is a drawing prize at the LEGO booth.

The best I can tell, the writing shows that there are 10,000 white Boba Fetts, two gold, and maybe three silver variants. We know someone received 1 of 2 bronze Boba Fetts as part of a Shop at Home promotion in May. Makes me wonder where the others might show up?

More to come...

(Via Joe Meno's Facebook page)