Saturday, January 29, 2011

UNSC M-12 Force Application Vehicle

...otherwise known as a 'Warthog' to Halo fans. Andrew (pecovam) continues our morning of minifig assault vehicles with his rendition of this classic. The chassis is Legohaulic's design, the custom weapons are from newcomer HCF Lego 3D Productions, and the Marine Helmets are from Hazel Fantasy. Everything else is pure pecovam.

Pecovam has been showcasing his skills on a variety of new Hazel Fantasy products, which you can see on his Flickr stream.

He also just entered the UD Minifig Battle Arena to throw down the guantlet in this month's challenge - The Paranormal Gunslinger.

One final note...if you search 'Legohaulic warthog' on Flickr you'll find the Warthog instructions, you can't purchase the custom weapons...yet, but you can pick up the Hazel Fantasy Marine Helmets at United Armory (US/CAN).