Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Did Someone Call the ASPCA?

(Click for larger image)
It seems the ASPCA has had all they can stand, and they can't stand anymore! S.E.A.L Team (Save Every Animal Living) is a post-apoc team of bad girls who are out to save Mother Nature from zombie invaders.

Jonathan (Shmails) made this as a gift to a family friend who works at the ASPCA. There are nine lady defenders in all, and Jonathan promises to post each in turn with their own bios.

Jonathan. If I may be so bold...please create some of these ladies (or at a minimum those torsos) up for sale at I have a feeling with Sucker Punch set to hit theaters in a couple of months, people will be looking for some ways to create some kick-@$$ warrior women.

You can see more of Jonathan's custom creations on his Flickr stream, and do check out his store -

UPDATE: Let Jonathan know which ones are your favorites in the comments!