Saturday, January 15, 2011

Next Minifig Design Challenge - The Paranormal Gunslinger


The exalted Emperor of the Minifig Nation, Adolphus Bartholomew Smythe, has decreed that the second minifig design battle has begun. It will be the challenge of combatants to depict...

“The Paranormal Gunslinger”

Whether he, she, or ‘it’ is a cowboy who draws his six-shooters with telekinesis, has showdowns at high noon with residents of a ghost town, or is even a ghost himself, is up to you. Submissions should include the following design elements:
  • You must depict the gunslinger/gunfighter as the main element of your design.
  • Gunslingers are often associated with the old west of 1800’s in the United States.
  • The gunslinger should be a LEGO minifigure.
  • There must be an element incorporated of a ‘paranormal’ nature. Paranormal themes include - ghosts and other supernatural creatures, magic, aliens, extra sensory/‘mind’ powers (telekinesis, telepathy,etc.).
A character in popular culture who represents this theme might include Roland Deschain from Stephen King’s Dark Tower series.

This is a mash-up of two, somewhat distinct, themes. Designers who create a minifigure that represents a good balance between the ‘western gunfighter’ and ‘paranormal/supernatural’ themes will be most true to the challenge.

Other elements that will be looked upon favorably but are entirely optional include lighting, presentation, posing, and photography/digital effects. Do remember that the figures should be the primary focus of the composition and should not be overwhelmed by other design elements.

Although this is not a ‘customization-only’ contest, you may find many of the tutorials we’ve collected on the site to be helpful. There are also tutorials on photography, presentation, and digital effects.

Entries must be submitted to the UD Minifigure Design Battle Arena group on Flickr before 12:01 am EST February 16th, 2011. Entries submitted after this time will not be considered eligible. Remember to read the ‘Rules and Guidelines’ thread before submitting your entry.

This month’s winning prize is sponsored by FireStar Toys, where the victor will receive a gift card to FireStar worth £25 (approximately $40 USD**) which can be used on a wide variety of LEGO brand products, custom minifigures, or custom accessories from companies like BrickArms, Tiny Tactical, Si-Dan Toys, or Amazing Armory Ltd., to name a few. You can start planning on how to spend your winnings by visiting FireStar Toys today.

Questions about this contest or the rules should be submitted to Cygnet at

To those who are about to design, we of the Minifig Nation salute you. Good luck!

*Please read the contest ‘Rules and Guidelines’ thread regarding views on depicting violence and other topics of a potentially serious nature.
**Exact value in US Dollars is dependent on the currency exchange rates at that time.