Tuesday, January 18, 2011

UD Minifig Battle - The Sinister Toymaker Winner

I want to take the time to thank everyone who participated in this most recent UD Minifig Desgin Battle contest - The Sinister Toymaker. I appreciate everyone's efforts and hope to see you back in the arena soon.

The judges have convened in a secret location to submit their votes. I have submitted these to the Emperor who is happy to announce the winner of his first challenge is...

...Legoagogo! Mark will be receiving a gift card to FireStar Toys worth £25 (no need to worry about conversion since he's in the UK) which can be used on a wide variety of LEGO brand products, custom minifigures, or custom accessories.

You can see all of the Sinister Toymakers by visiting the UD Minifig Design Battle Flickr page.

The Emperor bids me to remind you that his second challenge has been announced (The Paranormal Gunslinger), and  his Excellency looks forward to all of the coming designs for this month. You can find the next design brief, rules, and more details on the UD Minifig Design Battle Flickr page.

To those who are about to design, we of the Minifig Nation salute you!