Saturday, December 25, 2010

A Big Thank You to Family Bricks

I just read the article on The Brothers Brick where Nannan supplied some stats on this year's record breaking efforts on behalf of Toys for Tots

Who do you think the biggest contributor to this years effort happened to be? Family Bricks' custom minifigs were able to generate around $900 this year alone for the cause, more than anyone else. This is a proud day for both the broader LEGO and customization community.

If you have the chance, drop Family Bricks a line and congratulate him on this wonderful accomplishment.

If I also understand correctly, thanks are due to Will Chapman of BrickArms as he donated many custom accessories to help FB with his creations this year.

You can read the article on The Brothers Brick, you can check out Family Bricks website and drop him a line or buy one of his customs, and you can see all that BrickArms has to offer at their store.

Also thanks to everyone who donated creations or made a cash offering to the cause. We of the Minifig Nation salute you.