Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Three Months and 300 Posts Later

It's hard to believe that three months ago I thought to myself, "Self? What's this Blogger thing, and should we be on it?"

300 posts later, here we are and havin' a blast.

You may have noticed a few minor changes to the site. The first is the 'retirement' of the Fantasy LEGO League. Originally conceived as a regular, weekly feature here on the site, it soon became evident that coming up with a different idea each week is hard work. The posts themselves are not going anywhere, and we may break the occasional idea out here on the blog, but for now the old entries will live on in the archives.

You may have also noticed the addition of Google AdSense in the sidebar. Advertising has never been one of my main goals, outside of alerting those in minifig nation of relevant sales and deals. After an editorial on The Brothers Brick of ways to support your favorite fan sites and blogs, it made me realize that some day soon we may grow out of the basic Blogger service. In addition to this, I'd like to see other improvements to the site and one day to have a contest or two. These things take money. I plan on introducing other advertising elements over time (like affiliate ads), but I really want to keep the site design as simple, straightforward, and uncluttered as possible. In the meantime I encourage you to read the article originally seen on The Brothers Brick, which can be found here.

I want to thank several folks who've helped the site grow considerably. I must give a shout out to Huw and the folks over at Brickset.com. Their decision to link to a story on our site on Collectible Minifigures continues to pay dividends.

I want to say thanks to Kevin and the fine people at BrickTW. They decided to send me some product on their dime, with no strings attached. This lead to my first series of product reviews and a foray into amateur photography, which you'll see this week. I hope I do you proud.

Thank you to Oliver, Nick, and Mariann who e-mailed to provide us with leads and information, as well as words of encouragement and support.

Finally thank you to all of the customizers, custom houses, photographers, and enthusiasts who really provide the fuel for this whole engine. Long may she burn!
