Tuesday, May 25, 2010

BrickTW Week: Weapons Review

We start off our BrickTW reviews by looking at the varied assortment of bows, swords, and spears provided by this custom house.

BrickTW Weapon AssortmentBrickTW has eight weapon styles available. The items pictured here are from their Eastern War collection in "Jade Wizard" color.

Starting from the top and moving clockwise we have the Dragon Cross Spear, Flame Style Bow, Seven Stars Broadsword, Bloody Broadsword, Dark Hell Halberd, Slaughter Broadsword, Revolution Broadsword, and the Saint Sword.

BrickTW scimitarsOne of my personal favorites from this collection are the scimitars or broadswords. With the recent release of the LEGO Prince of Persia sets, you have many opportunities to create your own Arabian Nights. Imagine substituting this with one of these bad boys.

All of the products I received from BrickTW seemed to be made of good quality plastic. There were no noticeable defects and I had no qualms about product breakage. All weapons fit well in a minifig hand, with no signs of slippage.

There are also a wide variety of colors available in solids, trans-color, and chromed variants.

Prep your minifigure army to cut down the competition. Visit their website or their BrickLink store today.