Friday, May 14, 2010

LEGO World Racers in 3-D?

LEGO World Racers minifig headNick W. dropped us a line about this pic of the upcoming LEGO World Racers minifigures. World racers looks to be a mash-up of the Racers series with a touch of Agents thrown in for good measure.

What intrigues me about this design are the dual colored goggles. Comments online have compared them to 3-D glasses. Although I don't know much about the line, so far, its not completely out of the question that 3-D might play into the theme somehow (aside from the obvious fact that LEGO are inherently 3-D). If you've seen recent LEGO Club magazines or bought an Atlantis set, you'll know that 3-D stories and movies have played a role in marketing that line. I guess we'll just have to wait and see...

(Picture from BenLego's Flickr stream)