Saturday, May 22, 2010

Marker's Secret Life of Toys

Marker's som HOPE leftA gentleman by the name of Marker has combined his love of photography and toys to create his website The Secret Life of Toys. I'll let Marcos explain via his Etsy profile:

"Hi, I'm Marcos, some know me by Mark and some by Marker.

For the most part of my life I was the official photographer for every family vacation until a few years back when my kids invited me into a wonderful world. Upon my return I created "The Secret Life of Toys"

I would like to extend a big thank you to everyone who's bought any of my pieces; it is flattering that people think enough of my work to part with real hard-earned money. The simple thought of knowing that someone has chosen my work to decorate his or her home or office is the ultimate accolade - fulfilling to a level I did not know existed before I started doing this.

To me this experience has turned into something much more than fun and games."

Marcos doesn't just work with LEGO Star Wars and extends his subjects into a variety of action figures.

In addition to his website he also has an Etsy shop. Check them out today!

(Picture via Marker's Esty Shop)