Thursday, May 13, 2010

BrickLink Report: May 2010

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As you may or may not know the Ugly Duckling started as a store on BrickLink in 2010. We aim to specialize in LEGO minifigures and try to stand apart by including the accessories (guns, lightsabers, etc.) that come with the figures.

As part of these efforts, I've started to keep a record of some statistics from the catalog. Please do not take information I share here as 'advice' on what to buy or sell on BrickLink. Like many things on this blog, I just do it in the spirit of fun. Also keep in mind, aside from hosting my store I have no other personal or professional relationship with the folks at BrickLink, fine people that they are.

Every month I will highlight a few interesting tidbits and factoids that I've found during the process. These facts only hold true for minifigures released in 2010.

With old business out of the way, let's see what happened in April...
  • The minifigure bought most often (based on quantity) in April 2010 continues to be the plain Green Army Man from set 7595. Quantity sold? 588. Could soldier fever be on the wane? The amount sold is down about 28% from March.
  • The number two spot this month was held by a four legged fig, namely the pigs from set 7684. 429 sold in April alone. This is up 112% from the previous month.
  • Barriss Offee dethroned the TIE Defender pilot as the minifig with the highest average price (paid) in April 2010 at $16.92 USD.
  • Who are the top three 'most wanted' minifigs in at the beginning of April? Toy Story Alien (90), Atlantis Squid Warrior (76), and Star Wars Barris Offee (72). If you throw minifig scale animals into the mix then you have to include pigs (88) and ostriches (63).
Other interesting facts...
  • We've now had three buyers of the white Boba Fett minifigure with sale prices ranging from $500 to $600 USD. I really hope for these folks sake that LEGO doesn't produce these in higher quantities later this year.
  • As we mentioned previously, 429 minifigure-scale pigs were sold in April at an average price of $3.62 USD. The Persian horse was the next closest animal in terms of quantities sold at 263 units.
  • Prince of Persia rolls through its first full month of sales. Dastan continues to be the most sold minifigure from the line with 179 units. Seso has the highest average price of the line at $7.57.
  • What's interesting about Prince of Persia is that the average price of many figures dropped by 30%. No exclusive sets and a quickly dropped magnet set may have been a factor.
  • The Collectible Minifigures were released in May and started to be sold on BrickLink. Although it's too early to report on prices, we can state that the top three wanted minifigures are The Robot (38), The Zombie (35), and The Demolition Dummy (24).
Next month we'll have info on Toy Story 3 and the first month of Collectible Minifigure sales. See you then...