Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Fantasy LEGO League: Tron

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to "The Fantasy LEGO League". You can see the "rules" of these posts here. Let's digitize ourselves and get down to business...

Must-Have Minifigures (A): If done right in trans-blue and red highlights, these figures could be great. Imagine mini throwing disks in the same style! The variety might be a little hindered, however.

Propensity for Vehicles (B): Light-cycles, tanks, and skiffs galore. The iconic piece would definitely be the light-cycles.

Preexisting Fan-Base (C): A cult film from the 80's? Tron was one of the iconic films from my childhood. The fan-base potential is high, however, with the new Tron Legacy film.

Depth of Theme (C): One cult film, a couple of video games, and another, untested film on the way. About average.

Kid Friendliness (B): May be more popular among adults and teens than kids. The trailers I've seen for the new film appear to cater to adults who remember the film as a kid.

Likelihood of License (A): As you can see from the poster image, its Disney's Tron Legacy. Assuming Prince of Persia doesn't poison the well, its possible.

Overall (B-): I think having the preexisting Disney license is a plus, but with the new film having a December 2010 release date, and no news so far, the window is closing. If the announcement were made today, I would pick up these sets over Prince of Persia in a heartbeat.

Custom Options: Kubrick already beat them to it...sort of. Unfortunately, Kubrick figures can be very expensive. Maybe our friends at BrickForge read this blog. Hmmm...

What do think? Ready to fight the MCP along a minifigure Flynn? Download your data now.

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