Saturday, October 16, 2010


>initiate Cygnetron 3000 auto blogging system...
>...humanoid presence detected...counter measures launched...identify in 5,4,3,2...
>...retnal scan...confirmed...
>...hand print identification...confirmed...
>...DNA sequence...confirmed...
>...Welcome back, Cygnet...awaiting command...
>...spymaster drones deployed to Flickr...updating favorites...
>...plasma core power generator rebooting...power at 73%...
>...bypass Ugly Duck Command Center reboot protocol?...password?...confirmed...
>...rerouting power to delivery personnel notified...
>...expected delivery of new custom items...10/16/10...confirmed...
>...running scenarios...estimated time to reach full blog reboot...48 hours...
>...[end of line]...