Monday, December 10, 2007

Touma's Zugan by Play Imaginative

i review a Touma-designed ZUGAN vinyl figure (from Mephist Festa),
with "wrap"-design by Jim Koch [blogged]:

TOY STORY: managed to snag this figure @ an irresistible price (you say: "discount" and i say: "how high?") at the PI@Galleria Foyer showcase on their first day (Sat) - primarily becoz both Touma [tag] and Furi Furi [tag] autographed it! - quite a surprising circumstance, as both Japanese designers/creators were signing on each other's toys at one point - there was also a Wood Grabbit (which i dearly wanted but cannot afford) as well as a Back&Bocky set.

DESIGN: the colors were eye-catching enough (kudos to Jim Koch's design, 'natch) with a muted fuscia-pink and matt-black. the wings-design at the back was purdy-nice, and im wondering if Touma designed-Zugan with an "ashtray" in mind? *cough-cough* ... or am i too thick to notice the subtility?

(Touma signed at "back" of ball-head)

TREATMENT: am liking the figure's weightage (i like a little bulk in my "bigger" toys, mind) and the matt-surface finish, with a small tinge of glossier-highlights at some areas (chest crest and back logo) are a neat touch. altho i haveta say, matt-black surface makes me a tad nervous, becoz it's very prone to scratches and marks, and boy, would they show. mine already does :( - including two glossy-spots on the matt-arms ... besides that, the paint-apps were mostly smooth and decent, but for a few uneven areas, primarily at the edge of surfaces (underneath). squint your eye and you'll be fine.

there was a small (but horrifying) dent (on back of "ashtray-neckbrace") that i had not noticed before (and only until i took pictures of it at home), so it could've happened anywhere (altho i did not box-up the figure myself personally) - a shame really ... or am i expecting way too much for a vinyl figure within this price-range? either that, or i have a terminal case of toyqualicontrol-titis ... but overall a decent production figure (worth *3 dancing Bockyz*), with mondo points given to initial design and form, and minus a point or two for quality of finish, IMHO.

(lil Bocky's dancing around the ashtray neck-guard's edge)

STABILITY: even with a bulky main-body design, the figure actually stands up pretty darn well (less chances of shelf-dives). seriously, i like to be able to pose my figure and not have it fall down at any given nudge, and if ZUGAN stands between the Gates Of Hell? i would think twice about trying to knock him down! *heh*

("SAFE SEX" = LOL - base signed by Tei of Furi Furi)

ARTICULATION: a slight tightness to both the swivel head and both legs - which i feel is a good thing (don't want no free-swinging joints, yeh? LOL). and what i actually like about the arm-shoulder joints was that it's a ball-"joint" that can be detached! re-attaching it back requires a lil small amount of effort (but of coz don't constantly much about with it lah!) - great for folks who'd wanna consider customizing it, IMHO. there really isn't a attachment mechanism involved, just a tight-fit, with still room for the arm to move about = *nice*

and becoz he's stable, you would find him lying on the ground below the display-shelf the following morning, missing an arm, becoz the dog went and chewed on it. yep. horkay.


IT'S A WRAP: frankly, as much as i prefer Super7's and One-Up's colorways, this pink-boy still rawks (im endeavouring to embrace my inner-pink, thanks) ... altho my own personal preference is; the "bulkier" the toy, the simpler the design ... but that's just me.

(~happy times~)

irregardless, this figure also holds the distinction of being the second only vinyl toy in my finite collection that has been autographed. (the first one was a contest-prize) ... damn, that's how effin' pathetic i am. ya feel me? = of coz not! oh ye with a horde of signed toys! ... *HAH*

[POSTED circa 02.07.07]