Monday, December 10, 2007

Amy & Jordan Bendable Figure Set (Dark Horse)

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Amy & Jordan is a comicbook couple created by Mark Beyer, who victimize each other and by blind circumstance. the dysfunctional duo appeared in a long running weekly comicstrip that had appeared in alternative newspapers in the U.S, and had been collected into trades and comicbooks (Agony) and was even listed in Time Magazine's "Best Comix of 2004". [wiki/dh]

now you are able to "re-live" the couple's "adventures" in your own
home with Dark Horse Deluxe's Amy & Jordan Bendable Figure Set:
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THE PACKAGING: front-window display box with a panel of "original" Amy & Jordan art at back of box (would've been nice to actually have an entire self-contained story-strip tho, and/or a write-up about the artist and his creations, IMHO). the box opens up to a base which could actually double-up as a diorama-backdrop :p

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THE FIGURINES: within stands 2 X 8" bendable figurines featuring Beyer's characters sculpted by the folks @ Yoe Studio. and becoz the comicbook-look of the duo is "2-D", the 3-D bendy-figures actually reflects that, a pancake-thick couple - which i had thought was pretty cool and farnie :p

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and becoz they are bendy (like Gumby), certain parts of their bods, like arms and legs, even torso, can be bent to a certain extent ... be it the Marcarena (spl) or bustin' a b-boy wave *LOL*

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WRAP-UP: this set is no doubt a treat for Amy & Jordan-fans! but priced @ near USD$30, i would say this collectible figurine set will only appeal to the A&J comicbook fans, but outside of that would get lost in the display shelves, amidst the hyper-detailed and colorful figures of today's toys and designer vinyls. "recognition" is key and if this appeals only to the "alternative comic-readers"-crowd who already knew of their existence, then it does a decent job of that. but to gain newer fans who know nothing about A&J?

(1) character intros or even information of their creator could've been printed on the back of the display-box.

(2) mayhap the set could include a re-print of their stories in a comic? to gain newer fans, rather than just bank rely on the "older" ones? i feel mayhap to fully "appreciate" these figures, would be for the folks to know what Beyer's comicbooks/strips were all about.

(3) i had wanted to suggest a display-box color-change, but in reality, if folks are not familiar with A&J in the first place, a colorful box might end up just another colorful box (abetted an eye-catcher tho).

- click here for a Amazon collected hardcover book :p

- the Amy & Jordan Bendable figure set is available here @DarkHorse

- for a more detailed review and bigger+more pictures (18 images), do log unto my multiply-album here *heh*

[POSTED circa 02.02.07]