Monday, December 10, 2007

Genius Collection Figures from Jailbreak Toys

a while back i received a care-package courtesy of JailBreak Toys containing their first ever toy; Lord Crumwell's Oddfellows / the Genius Collection ~ and as appreciation, i'd wanted to do a small review about them. and of coz the idea grew beyond initial plans and month/s later, with a borrowed digi-cam, a junked audio-commentary-track (becoz my voice is crap), may i present for your viewing pleasure and consideration: the first-ever Toysrevil-Toy-Review In Video!:

(music: Kevin England's Summer Down, from Dubbed Out in DC)

and here are some images for size comparison (click to view bigger image)
shakespeare poetry-slam-night a new canvas
as you can see, i had some fun :p
reality teevee is relative stereophonic classico
and re-visiting my previous dios and even Dr.Greensworth again hahaha
analysing dr.greensworth
*heh* ~ watch out for their upcoming Artist Collection :)

thanks again to Jason and JailBreak Toys for the figures :)

[POSTED circa 19.11.06]