Monday, December 10, 2007

1/6 Shadowman From Darkbox Workshop

my first-ever published toy-review in Playtimes Vol:2 Issue#8

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"I've always collected "nudes" ever since i started this hobby. And by that I mean "12-inch-action-figures-sans-clothing-and-accessories", which makes for great kitbash fodder options, IMHO."

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"And it was with a certain sense of trepidation and excitement when I was asked to review a "new" action figure from Dark Box Workshop, named "Shadowman."

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the entire review can be found here on my multiply (including some new additions :p) = BUT i would strongly suggest you guys go buy the magazine as well, coz there's loads other nifty toy-stuff galore to be found within! (NOT a shamless plug, i assure y'all *muahahahaha*)

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all images can be found on my multiply here :)

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[POSTED circa 10.11.06]