Friday, April 23, 2010

More Collectible Minifigures Seen In The Wild

A couple of updated pics for The Nurse and Robot from the June 2010 Collectible Minifigure collection.

All the images for these two figures I've seen to date have been either taken from some distance or were the 'rendered' versions. I don't even think CopMike at Eurobricks has these...

You get to see a little more of The Nurse (or is it The Doctor? Doctor who?!) and her accessories. It would appear that you may get two syringes with this fig. Otherwise no surprises.

The Robot on the other hand...look at that face! I've not seen under the helmet previously, but it doesn't disappoint. This fig has jumped a couple of slots in the 'must have' column.

All pics you see here come from Ibaixinho's Flickr stream, found by clicking through from another site.