Friday, September 3, 2010

Site Update: Button, Button, Who's Got the Button

Well, so far BrickForge and Fine Clonier. I've added section to the right-hand sidebar that now has buttons that link to the respective sites. These buttons are non-sponsored links. If we feature sponsored links in the future these will be clearly delineated.

If you are a retailer and we don't show a's because I couldn't find one. If you would like to submit a button for consideration, please send it to Please consider a button design that is 200 pixels wide and 50 pixels tall (because that's what I'll size it to). Also retailers will be listed in alpha-numeric order based on their brand name. I welcome any and all submissions, but reserve the right as to who ultimately gets placed.

Relevant retailers, blogs, and resources will continue to be listed near the bottom of the sidebar, regardless.

If you have any questions, please let me know.

Minister of Information 
Ugly Duck Command Center 
Minifig Nation